Sunday, June 2, 2013

Short Story: The Butcher

The mother had a husband. The husband left the family. The mother became depressed. The son grew up as he took care of the mother. The son got old and moved out. The son became the soldier. The mother became more depressed. The soldier loved the mother. The soldier comforted the mother. The mother met the baron. The baron loved the mother. The mother loved the baron. The baron made the mother happy. The soldier knew that the baron could only hurt the mother. The soldier became the barber. The barber shaved the baron. The barber shaved a bit too deep. The baron met the reaper. The mother became depressed. The  barber comforted the mother.


  1. Short and sweet (like I like my men)...(just kidding) I liked it. were you just in the slightest bit inspired by any barber killing story/movie/plays at all?... Just curious.

    1. A strait-razor just seems like a creepy weapon.
